Thursday, November 16, 2006

Week 7: Creative Technology-Assessment 1

This week I have edited my photos using Photoshop version 7. For this I used a combinationation of different filters and tools. For the first image (cooker.jpg) I used the fresco and film grain filters, for the second image (Me and my sword.jpg) I used the clone stamp to cover my face and the plastic wrap and sharpen filters, for the the third image (pic1.jpg) I used the dark strokes filter as well as the polygon lasso and paint bucket tools and for the forth image (pub life.jpg) I used the watercolour, sharpen and sharpen edges filters. I then went on to burn the images onto CD.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Week 6: Creative Technology-Assessment 1

Slight set back this week with the heavy metal theme due to issues of copyright, plus we haven't been able to find anyone with the instruments needed. We considered doing tattoos as the second theme but the same issues of copyright came up seeing as we would have to get permission from the artist in order to submit them.

After much thought we finally decided to take photos on a variety of themes and decide which to use and edit afterwards. So far, we've decided to use a deck of cards, a cooker and a couple of photos I took back home in Bridlington.
Week 5: Creative Technology-Assessment 1

This week we made a start on the assignment and came up with a couple of themes to base our photos on. The two themes we have come up with are heavy metal music and student life. For these we will most-likely be using items normally associated with the two themes, e.g. for student life we could take pictures of a few pints of beer on a table. This is a stereotype, I know but it fits.

For the heavy metal theme we could take pictures of instruments associated with the music genre, such as guitars, drums and speakers. This will involve finding out where we can get a hold of these items and whether we will be able to use them.